1. Darmon Cycles and the Kohnen-Shintani lifting, p-adic L-functions day, University of Cambridge, June, 2016.
2. An integral Euler system for the symmetric square of a non-ordinary modular form, Theoretic and Computational aspects of BSD , ICTS Bengaluru, December 2016.
3. Plus / Minus Beilinson - Flach Euler system, Quebec - Maine Number Theory conference , University of Maine, October 2017
4. Iwasawa theory for the symmetric square of a p-non-ordinary modular form, Iwasawa theory and p-adic automorphic forms, Shanghai Center for Mathematical Sciences, December, 2018.
5. Stark-Heegner cycles for Bianchi modular forms, Pune Number Theory Day, Indian Institute of Science Education & Research, Pune, January, 2019.
6. Stark-Heegner cycles for Bianchi modular forms, p-adic Automorphic forms and Perfectoid Spaces, ICTS Bengaluru, September 2019.
7. Rationality of Stark-Heegner cycles attached to Bianchi modular forms, L-functions and Iwasawa Theory, CEFIPRA Conference (Online), November 2021.
8. Rationality of Stark-Heegner points attached to elliptic curves over imaginary quadratic fields, ICCGNFRT, Kerala School of Mathematics, Kozhikode, October 2023.
9. Rational points on Elliptic curves, 38th Annual Conference of the Ramanujan Mathematical Society, December 2023.
10. Undecided, Arithmetic theta series and p-adic modular forms, Cetraro, Italy, June 2024.
1. Darmon Cycles and the Kohnen-Shintani lifting, Warwick Number Theory Seminar, Coventry, Nov 2015.
2. Darmon Cycles and the Kohnen-Shintani lifting, IISER Pune Number Theory Seminar, Pune, Jan 2016.
3. Darmon Cycles and the Kohnen-Shintani lifting, London Number Theory Seminar, University College London, Jan 2016.
4. Beilinson-Flach Euler system in the non-ordinary setting, Euler systems seminar, UPC Barcelona, May 2017.
5. An integral Euler system for certain non-ordinary motives, Waterloo Number Theory Seminar, Waterloo, March 2018.
6. Iwasawa theory for the symmetric square of a non-ordinary eigenform, Algebra and Geometry Seminar, Universite' Laval, April 2018.
7. Stark-Heegner cycles for Bianchi modular forms, Mathematics Seminar, IMSc Chennai, August 2019.
8. Stark-Heegner cycles for Bianchi modular forms, Number Theory Seminar, IIT Bombay, Mumbai, August 2019.
9. Stark-Heegner cycles for Bianchi modular forms, Algebra & Combinatorics Seminar, IISc Bengaluru, September 2019.
10. Stark-Heegner cycles for Bianchi modular forms, Members' Seminar, Morningside Center of Mathematics, Beijing, October 2019.
11. Stark-Heegner cycles for Bianchi modular forms, Mathematics Seminar, Renmin University of China, Beijing, November 2019.
12. Stark-Heegner cycles for Bianchi modular forms, Number Theory Seminar, Tsinghua University, Beijing, December 2019.
13. Rationality of Stark-Heegner cycles attached to Bianchi modular forms, Members' Seminar, Morningside Center of Mathematics, Beijing, November 2020.
14. Stark-Heegner cycles and Artihmetic, Online Seminar, International Center of Theoretical Sciences, Bengaluru, March 2021.
15. Stark-Heegner cycles and Artihmetic, Mathematics Colloquium, Ashoka University, Sonipat, March 2021.
16. Galois representations attached to Elliptic curves, Triangle Groups, Belyi Uniformization, and Modularity, Bhaskaracharya Pratisthana, Pune, January 2022.
17. Stark-Heegner cycles and Arithmetic, GANIT Seminar, IIT Gandhinagar, April 2022.
18. Stark-Heegner cycles for number fields, Number Theory Seminar, IISc Bengaluru, November 2023.